Top Länder mit Infos zu Kartendichte pro km², Hauptstädten, Regionen, etc. /
Top countries with information on map density per km², capitals, regions, etc.
Land / Country | Regionen | |||||||
Top | Code | Anz. Karten aus dem Land / No. of Cards from the Country |
Anz. Karten von dem Land selbst / No. Cards about the Country itself |
Karten pro 1 mio km² / Cards per 1 mio km² |
Anz. Karten aus der Hauptstadt / No. Cards from the Capital |
Anz. Karten aus der Region / No. Cards from the Region |
Anz. Karten von der Region selbst / No. Cards about the Region itself |
Anteil Landeshauptstädte / Share of regional Capitals |
Top Länder/Countries | Top Ort/Location | Maps | Top Ort/Location | |||||
#1 | us | 558 | 59 | (top #22) 11 | 50/50 (100%) | 50/50 | 13/50 (incl. top #18, #47) | |
#2 | de | 552 | 1544 | (top #3) 28 | 16/16 (100%) | 4/16 | 14/16 (incl. top #3, #6, #12, #25, #30, #36) | |
#3 | uk | 410 | 1 | 1650 | (top #1) 43 | 4/4 (100%) | 1/4 | 3/4 (incl. top #1) |
#4 | au | 224 | 6 | 29 | 1 | 8/9 (89%) | 2/9 | 8/8 (incl. top#36, #61) |
#5 | it | 164 | 544 | (top #8) 16 | 17/20 (85%) | 3/20 | 10/20 (incl. top #8, #36, #61, #61) | |
#6 | at | 126 | 1502 | (top #5) 25 | 9/9 (100%) | 4/9 | 9/9 (incl. top #5, #47, #61) | |
#7 | fr | 117 | 185 | (top #2) 28 | 10/13 (77%) | 1/13 | 7/13 (incl. top #2) | |
#8 | es | 104 | 206 | (top #20) 11 | 14/19 (74%) | 2/19 | 6/19 (incl. top #16, #20) | |
#9 | ch | 64 | 3 | 1550 | 2 | 14/26 (54%) | 0/26 | 9/26 (incl. top #30, #47, #61) |
#10 | nl | 59 | 1 | 1420 | (top #7) 17 | 9/12 (75%) | 0/12 | 6/12 (incl. top #7) |
#11 | ca | 53 | 5 | 1 | 9/13 (69%) | 4/13 | 6/13 (incl. top #36) | |
#12 | be | 44 | 1434 | (top #61) 5 | 3/3 (100%) | 1/3 | 2/2 (incl. top #61) | |
#13 | no | 33 | 1 | 106 | 3 | 13/15 (87%) | 0/13 | n/a |
#13 | pl | 33 | 86 | (top #16) 13 | 9/16 (56%) | 0/9 | 6/16 (incl. top #16, #36) | |
#15 | cz | 31 | 393 | (top #61) 5 | 11/14 (79%) | 0/14 | 8/13 (incl. top #61, #61) | |
#16 - #78 | 63 | 268 | 37 (from 23 of 63) | 102 (from 39 of 63) incl. top#12, #25, #47, #47, #61 |
Stand / up-to: 2024-08-18 // 2842
Anmerkung: Die Idee Hauptstädte zu betrachten wurde inspiriert von der KI "chatgpt-4o-latest",
zur Karten pro km² von der KI "llama-3.1-405b-instruct" /
Remark: The idea to look onto capitals was inspired from AI "chatgpt-4o-latest",
about cards per km² from AI "llama-3.1-405b-instruct"